Sunday, April 22, 2012


Hidup ini ribet banget. Begitu kata orang-orang yang menjalani kehidupan ini. Okay, emang hidup ada sedih ada senang, ada gampang ada susah, ada tertawa, ada menangis, ada masalah, ada kebahagiaan, ada senyum ada cemberut, macam-macam. Tapiii, kata orang-orang bijak yang bisa menyikapi kehidupan ini dengan pandangan dan sisi positif, mereka bilang bahwa hidup ini gampang, cuma gimana caranya kita menjalaninya. Kalau dibikin susah ya jadi susah, kalu dibikin gampang yaaa gampang. Kata my beloved daddy, 'hidup itu cuma sekali, dinikmati' itu artinya, seberapa sulit hidup ini, seberapa bahagia hidup ini, tetap dibuat bahagia karena ngga semua orang bisa merasakan apa yang kita rasakan, bisa menikmati apa yang kita butuhkan dan inginkan. Baiknya hidup ini disyukuri dan dijalani dengan senuman walaupun masalah datang silih berganti.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012


Now i am free for 4 days. My holiday began yesterday. I just watching tv, browsing, eating, taking a bath, hang out, watching a film, doing my homework, and enhancing my English ability. I think it's so bored. I want to travel in the other island, maybe Bali, Lombok, or Sulawesi Island. But, 4 days is really not enough to go there. My dad said that he will go to Jakarta at Friday. I can't go with him 3 days again because I will go to school, evenly I will do a test, that is biology and chemistry. It is not easy to do it, moreover biology. Emm now I focus on English to join AFS program. There are writing, speaking, listening, and reading. I can write everything use English in blog, twitter, facebook, or italki. I can listen English from watching English films or English songs. I can read an English books, novel, magazines, or an article in the internet. But, I can't speak English fluently. I don't know I must speak English with whom? I am trying to join skype now, maybe I can take a video calling with the other person in the other country. Now I just trusting in God, I hope God will help me.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Help me please

Somebody help me please.. I've been joined AFS program, that is a program that holds exchange student ( go abroad ). I've been registered and did a finalization of the form, I also went to the chapter in Papandayan Semarang to ask the stamp of participant card and give my agreement statement from my parents. I chose United States for the prominent country and Australia for the other country that didn't display in the form. Actually, I really want to go to Australia because I think the country is not too far from my beloved country, Indonesia. The other reason is In Australia, use English language, the other language beside Indonesian I can little speak. There is a fear feeling in my self, because there are many participants from Semarang in this program. I estimate, there is about 500 participants from Semarang and surroundings. Now. I am trying my hardest to speak English fluently, I am writing everything use English, I am searching an information about United States and an information about world, I am trying to do a TOEFL test, and others. I imagine if I can pass the test on 29th April and pass the second and third test, I think, of course, I am really happy can go abroad. However, many the other student that speak English more fluent, can write a story in Indonesian with interesting idea, and know well about the hot news in the world. I just try, try, and try, and also pray to God. Hope God will give me a a luck through a good teacher that can teach me to help me..